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ARTHI 4611-001 Walk That Way | 2023 SPRING

Instructor: Lori Waxman
Personal Research:
Technology-related walking artworks
Walking Through Technology

Reading resources: 

  • Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking, New York: Penguin, 2000. 

  • Francesco Careri, Walkscapes: walking as an aesthetic practice. Ames, IA: Culicidae Architectural Press, 2017 [Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2002]. 

  • James Trainor, “Walking the Walk: the artist as flâneurLinks to an external site.,” Border Crossings 22 no 4 (November 2003).

  • Sophie Calle, Suite VénitienneActions, Paris: Siglio Press, 2015. 

  • Ivan Chtcheglov, "Formulary for a New Urbanism (1953)Links to an external site.," translated by Ken Knabb, Bureau of Public Secrets.

  • Guy Debord, “Theory of the Dérive (1956)Links to an external site., translated by Ken Knabb,

  • Guy Debord, “Two Accounts of the Dérive (1956)Links to an external site.,” in on the Passage of a few people through a rather brief moment in time: the Situationist International 1957-72, edited by Elisabeth Sussman, Cambridge: MIT, 1989, p. 135-9.

  • Ralph Rumney, The Leaning Tower of Venice, Paris: Silverbridge, 2002.

  • Michel De Certeau, “Chapter 7: Walking in the City,” The Practice of Everyday Life, translated by Steven Randall, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984, p. 91-110.

  • Dennis Adams and Laurent Malone, JFK: Traversée photographique de New York, Marseille: LMX, 2002. [On reserve at Flaxman.]

  • André Breton, excerpt from NadjaActions, translated by Richard Howard, New York: Grove, 1960, bottom of p. 51-55. (Nadja, Paris: Gallimard, 1928.)

  • John Cage poems from “Mushroom Book,” in M: Writings ‘67-’72, Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1973: 117, 126-7, 128, 137, 167, 171.

  • Richard Wentworth, Making do and getting by, London: Koenig Books, 2015. [On reserve in Flaxman.]

  • Excerpt from De Ridder: Retrospective. Amsterdam: Holland Festival/Groninger Museum, 1983, n.p.

  • [optional] David Pinder, “Ghostly Footsteps: Voices, Memories and Walks in the CityLinks to an external site.,” Ecumene no. 8 vol. 1 (2001), n.p.

  • Dick Higgins, "A Child's History of Fluxus Actions," originally published in Lightworks, No. 11-12 (Fall 1979), 26- 27.

  • Helen Scalway, "The Contemporary flâneuse," in The Invisible Flâneuse?: Gender, public space, and visual culture in nineteenth-century Paris, edited by Aruna D'Souza and Tom McDonough (Manchester and New York: Manchester U.P., 2006), 168-171. [contemporary first-person account]

  • Janet Wolff, "Gender and the haunting of cities (or, the retirement of the flâneur)," in The Invisible Flâneuse, 18-31. [academic investigation]

  • Virginia Woolf, “Street Haunting (1930),” Read Books, 2012, p. 5-21. [historical first-person account]

ARTHI 4950 Digital Art Europe Now | 2022 SUMMER

Instructor: Dominque
Personal Research:

Reading resources: 

ARTTECH 4132 Retro Tech | 2022 FALL

Instructor: Lee Blalock
Personal Research:
Game loading
Retro Talk 2022 FALL

ARTHI 5515 Art & Biotechnology | 2022 SPRING

Instructor: Edward Kac
Personal Research:
Lab-grown M
The social ethics of lab-grown meat.ppt

Reading resources: 

  • Kac, E. Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007).

Research Bibliography: 

  • Hendrik-Jan Grievink, In Vitro Meat Cook Book-Koert van Mensvoort

  • Lestel, Dominique. Eat This Book : a Carnivore’s Manifesto. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016.

  • Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat : a Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. Bloomsbury revelations edition. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2015.

  • Wurgaft, Benjamin Aldes. Meat Planet : Artificial Flesh and the Future of Food. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2019.

  • Donaldson, Brianne, and Christopher Carter. The Future of Meat Without Animals. London : Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016.

ARTHI5002 Art After Nature | 2021 FALL

Instructor: Giovanni Aloi
Personal Research:

Chinese View of Nature
Chinese View of Nature.ppt-Yuwen

Reading resources: 

  • Aloi, G. (2011) Art & Animals, Preface, p.xv-xxi

  • Berger, J. (1980) ‘Why look at animals?’ in About Looking, (New York:Vintage)

  • Akiyama, M. (2014) ‘Speaking of Animals’ in Land & Animal & Nonanimal(Berlin: HKW) pp.15-29

  • Aloi, G. (2011) Art & Animals, ‘Taxidermy: Subjugated Wilderness’ pp.25-48

  • Zimmer, C. (2012) ‘Justine Cooper: The Awe of Natural History’ in Nature,(London: Whitechapel), pp.195-198

  • Haraway, D. J. (1984) ‘Teddy bear patriarchy’: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden’, in Social Text, n. 11, Winter, pp.20-64

  • Adams, C. (1991) ‘Chapter 1’ in The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory, (New York: Bloomsbury Academic) pp.47-63

  • Mntambo, N. (2007), ‘Locating Me in Order to See You’, MA thesis, University of Cape

  • Ge, A. and Skawennati (2019) “Asserting Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace” in Feminuity, online

  • Aloi, G. and McHugh, S. (2021) ‘Envisioning Posthumanism’ in Posthumanism in Art and Science (New York: Columbia University Press)

  • Ferrando. F. (2015) 'A Feminist Genealogy of Posthuman Aesthetics in the Visual Arts' in Palgrave Communications, DOI: 10.1057/palcomms.2016.11

  • Marder, M. (2013) ‘To Encounter the Plants…’ in Plant Thinking—A Philosophy of Vegetal Life, (New York: Columbia University Press) pp.1-13

  • Kimmerer, R. W. (2013) ‘The Three Sisters’ in Braiding Sweetgrass, (Minneapolis: Milkweed) pp.128-140

  • Kimmerer, R. W. (2013) ‘The Three Sisters’ in Braiding Sweetgrass, (Minneapolis: Milkweed) pp.128-140

  • McKinley, C., E. “introduction” in Indigo: In Search of the Color That Seduced the World, (New York: Bloomsbury)

  • TallBear, K. (2011) ‘Why Interspecies Thinking Needs Indigenous Knowledge’ in Society for Cultural Anthropology, online:

  • Morton, T. (2013) ‘The Age of Asymmetry’ in Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) pp.159-202

  • Yusoff, K. (2018) “introduction” in A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)

  • Dipesh Chakrabarty, "Whose Anthropocene? A Response" in Transformations in Environment and Society 2016/2

  • Inoue, C., Y. A. and Moreira, P., F. (2016) “Many worlds, many nature(s), one planet: indigenous knowledge in the Anthropocene” in Revista
    Brasileira de Política Internacional, 59(2) pp.1-19

  • Pagle, T. (2008) ‘Experimental Geography’ in Nature, pp. 104-106

  • Whyte, K. (2017) ‘Indigenous Climate Change Studies: Indigenizing Futures, Decolonizing the Anthropocene’ in English Language Notes 55.1-2 Fall
    2017, pp.153-162

  • Yamamura, M. (2021) ‘Archetypes: Cordillera’s labyrinth’ in Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, pp. 122-139

  • Boettgger, S. (2008) ‘Looking at, and Overlooking, Women Working in Land Art in the 1970s’, in Nature, pp.31-34

  • Demos, T.J. (2016) ‘Introduction’ in Decolonizing Nature, (Berlin: Sternberg Press) pp.199-128

  • Nyong’ O (2019) ‘Little Monsters’ in Afro-Fabulations (New York: New York University Press) pp. 129-150

  • Chua, K., Davis, L., Taylor, N. (2021) Uncontainable Natures vol. #1 and #2 in Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture,

© 2017-2024 Yuwen Huang 

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